A incloure a la pàgina web:
Ajut per “Millora de l’allotjament turístic”.
Operació: Implementació d’estratègies de desenvolupament local
Action of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia, 2014-2020, co-financed by:
Road N-240 KM.1743800 Valls, TarragonaGPS: 41º16’01.58’’ N1º14’52.22’’ E
Felix Hotel, your Hotel in Tarragona. Enjoy our getaways in Tarragona and our rooms with jacuzzi. You can also enjoy our restaurant in Valls,innovation and tradition join our cuisine. Enjoy authentic calçotada in Tarragona. Last but not least, discover our catering in Tarragona, organization of events in Tarragona.